My first post. Should I hear bells ringing or fireworks launching? Shouldn't this be momentous? I am moments away from clicking on "publish" and I don't hear anything except sassy daughter #6 asking for dessert again- for the 87th time in 9 minutes. She clearly does not know what I am embarking on. Although, even if she did know, it wouldn't stop her in her quest for something sweet.
So, pretty much, the right here, right now is what
fuels this blog, so, things up to this point aren’t of much importance. But
just to catch you up- Got married eighteen years ago, (I don't claim to be young.) had three kids, got divorced six years ago, got
married to now husband one year ago, now have six (not a typo) kids. I work. I write. I love. I balance. I weave. I
dodge. I frolic.
Here's a story...
The Same Day Every Year.
My husband and I have known each other for close to 13 years. It so happened that on September
23rd, 13 years ago, we met, of all places, at a Sports bar…on their
birthday. Most people love their
birthday, but we seem to have somewhat of an unusual excitement and attachment
to our birthday, more so especially because we have the same birthday. Yes, our
birthday is on September 23rd; the same day, but different years, (At this
juncture, the story becomes a little inconsistent, depending who is telling it-me,
or my Husband...) and I am younger. So, we toasted a cheer to each other,
not knowing this would become our annual tradition, nor be the beginning of our
journey of friendship…a friendship of many parallels that would later lead to a
lifetime together.
Game of pool?
Soon after our memorable birthday meeting, we discovered another
passion we shared- playing the game of pool. My husband having been playing
pool for many, many years was a respectable winner who held the admiration of
die-hard pool players. He was always the one to beat. I was still learning the
facets of the game, and always intrigued by Shain's game- and a little
intimidated and apprehensive to play him. One Saturday evening, our quarters
met. (At this juncture, the story becomes a little inconsistent, depending who
is telling it-me, or my husband...) I won the game, and from there, we became
regular opponents. Shain would often seek me out to play this game that we both
loved so much when they were at the same place at the same time near a pool
table. Both competitive in nature, we shared a mutual desire to beat one
another, and respected each other's passion for the game. Our friendship was
lively, good-humored, and light-natured.
Throughout the first 10 years of our pool playing friendship, we
were both married to others, and both had young kids. We were unknowingly walking
through life separately while experiencing many of the same milestones- birth
of sons, teething, 1st birthdays, baseball games, soccer games, 1st day of
Kindergarten, school functions, birth of daughters, and so on....Our paths
would cross occasionally at the grocery store or at the park- with kids in tow,
we would exchange quick hellos. Separation and Divorce were eventually
events we both experienced. Our friendship remained contained to our occasional
pool playing game, which had now reached the betting stage- $1, a beer, next
game, etc., and of course, I usually won those games on those infrequent
Saturday nights. And then there was the
annual birthday bump into each other where we exchanged birthday well wishes
and a celebratory drink.
At the right place, At the right time- is that Fate?
September 2nd, 2012 was the night the game- of pool and life,
changed... We hadn't seen each other in a well over two years. We both had been through a few difficult
years dealing with divorce and separation, and helping kids cope during these
hardships. We were forging new paths in life as single parents learning what
was in store for them in this new chapter of life.
Shain finally won his first game ever on this night. I remember
the feeling between us as being different from usual- a stubborn, undeniable
chemistry was doggedly making itself known. Our banter was more informal, our
interaction was flirty, and our demeanor with each other was intimate and
magnetic. We spent the entire night talking, smiling, and laughing, taking in
each other's nuances, stealing glances and sweet touches. The night ended with
a kiss- THE Kiss that ignited our journey to today.
Of Course...
The next few months were a whirlwind as we fell deeply in love
and began sharing our lives together. We discovered that not only do we have
the same birthday and zodiac sign, we share a passion for football, (-although I
am a Bears Fan, and he a NY Giants fan-) and for sports in general. We both swear by cheeseburgers, chocolate, and
Mexican food. We both insist that autumn is the best season of the year, and
that rainy weather is by far the most superior of all the weather elements. We
share the fervor of cooking. Although he a “comfort food” cook, and I a “seasonal
haute cuisine” gal, we love sharing the kitchen together, and summer grilling, and
outdoor backyard BBQ’s are a staple for us. We relish in taking day trips and getting
excited creating new memories by finding their way around all the things to do
in a new place for day or night- pubs, sightseeing, tourist attractions,
stadiums, arenas, beaches, family fun, restaurants… When at home, we are tuned
into the same TV shows, and have not once yet disagreed on a movie preference,
or the quality of the movie. Carrying the most weight of all interests is music.
We are both die-hard music junkies, and both profess our devotion to Led
Zeppelin as our favorite band. Most importantly; however, we became aware of
the fact that we shared the same values and had the same priorities in life-
raising a close-knit family, spending time with our kids, having fun and not
letting life get too serious- traveling, and sharing good times with close
friends and family. We both possess a sense of humor and quick wit, and use humor
and playfulness as guiding principles to navigate through this life. With each
new thing we discovered was a mutual interest, we would grin at each other,
smile, and say "Of course" in unison. Being cusp babies- on the cusp
of the zodiac of both Virgo and Libra- we found in each other an innate and
intense understanding, appreciation, and respect of one another. We were
The Test.
We knew the "test" of our relationship was looming. It
was time to meet The Kids. Shain had to meet my kids, and I had to meet Shain's
kids. Shain has 2 sons and 1 daughter, and I have 2 sons and 1 daughter. (Of
course.) With special needs kids, I was a bit more worried about the
introduction. But, so it went... Shain met my kids over a dinner of spaghetti
tacos, and I met Shain's kids over a lunch of J's (Shain's oldest son)
ramen noodles. It didn't take long for "approval" from both sides. Next up: kids meet kids. So, Shain and his
kids; J-then 12, J-then 10, and H-then 5, and me and my kids;
C-then 11, S-then 9, and I-then 4 got together for a game of
renegade Dodgeball one Thursday evening behind Lowe's, and we never looked
back... The kids have formed lifelong bonds, and now, we and the #sixbunch are
a real life Brady Bunch- minus Alice, a painstakingly missing part of the
Eight really IS Enough.
Today, life is anything but ordinary, and we wouldn't have it
any other way. Of course. We still carve out our pool playing dates, (At
this juncture, the story becomes a little inconsistent depending on who is
telling it- me, or Shain…) and I win most of our matches.
Way to go!!! Love your story. Can't wait to hear more.