
Confessions of a Music Junkie

I make it fairly well known that I love music. I am a self proclaimed music junkie. I love concerts. I love the energy, the vibrancy, the smell in the air, the camaraderie of the crowd, the carefreeness that comes with letting go and taking in every movement and sound of the band. A concert to me is THE definition of living in the moment. You can't get anymore 'here and now' than being at a concert. 

When I am at a concert, I am physically, spiritually, and emotionally present using all of my senses. I am wholly alive, heightened, in sync with the music, the crowd, the vibe. To share the same space with like minded music fans, and music junkies alike is powerful. To feel the raw passion and intensity of the band/artist, and see their dizzying conviction for their music, for music in general, is mesmerizing. 

I am intrigued by everything about music and so awe inspired by those who are musically inclined- whether vocally, or playing an instrument, solo or band. The life facinates me, beckons me. When I was a little girl, I so badly wanted to be a rock star. Like Pat Benetar, Ann & Nancy Wilson, Gwen Stefani.  

Something else amazing happens when my husband and I go to concerts. We are not Mom & Dad. We are Shain & Heather. Music Lovers. Rockers. Husband & Wife. It's OUR time. We are uninhibited. We sing, we rock out, we make friends for a night, we move together, we sway, we nuzzle, we kiss- often- without the Ewww's and Ugghhh's we get at home. We let loose and validate what and who we are to each other without the chaos of kids and riggors of life- Husband & Wife, and genuine friends. We enter this fierce intimate space and are intertwined for the night. Our souls connect and the music binds us.  

I CHERISH our music adventures. No... I RELISH and COVET our music time. 

Below are our music adventures in pictures- not all, but many... Keep Checking back for continued photo documentaries of our concert life. 

Dirty Heads- The Regency Ballroom 2012

California Roots Festival- May 2015

Dirty Heads- Cali Roots Fest Monterey- 2015

Jared with The Dirty Heads- Cali Roots Fest 

Cali Roots Festival 2015

Jared Watson and Dustin Bushnell of The Dirty Heads- Cali Roots Fest 2015

Micheal Franti- Cali Roots Fest- May 2015
Tribal Seeds- Cali Roots Fest- Monterey-May 2015
Beebs & her Money Maker- Cali Roots Fest- May 2015
Common Kings- Cali Roots Fest - May 2015
Cali Roots Festival 2015
Ethan Tucker Band - Cali Roots Festival 2015
Cali Roots Festival 2015
Ethan Tuckedr Band & Michael Franti- Cali Roots Festival 2015
Soul Majestic- Cali Roots Festival 2015
Souja- Cali Roots Fest 2015
Fortunate Youth- Cali Roots Fest 2015
Fortunate Youth- Cali Roots Fest 2015
Cali Roots Fest- 2015

Cali Roots Festival- May 2015
Everclear- Las Vegas- 2013

LIVE- Las Vegas- 2013

Katastro- Sacramento, CA - 2014
The Expendables- Sacramento 2014

Alice in Chains- Thunder Valley Casino June 2015
Alice in Chains- June 2015

Alice In Chains- Lincoln, CA 2015

Dirty Heads- Lake Tahoe, July 2015

Dirty Heads, Lake Tahoe July 2015

Slightly Stoopid- Lake Tahoe,  July 2015

Slightly Stoopid- Lake Tahoe- July 2015
Dirty Heads- Santa Cruz, CA  May 2015

Dirty Heads- Santa Cruz- May 2015

Emerson Hart- Lodi, CA  2014
Pepper- The Warifield- 2013

Pepper- The Warfield 2013
Katastro at the Warfield- 2013

The Dirty Heads- The Warfield 2013
Foo Fighters- Sleep Train- September 2015

Foo Fighters- Dave Grohl- September 2015

Foo Fighters-Sleep Train Ampitheatre- September 2015

The Warfield, San Francisco- 2013

Thunder Valley Ampitheatre, Lincoln, CA- 2015 

Harvey's Outdoor Ampitheatre, Lake Tahoe, July 2015

Ace of Spades, Dan with Fortunate Youth, Sacramento 2014
Ace of Spades- Andy & Tanner with Katastro- Sacramento 2014

Sleep Train Ampitheatre, September September 2015
 Dirty Heads VIP, July 2015, Lake Tahoe

Duddy B, Santa Cruz, May 2015

Ace of Spades- 2014
The Warfield- 2014

Ballyhoo- November 2015- Ace of Spades Sacramento
Pepper- Ace of Spades- Sacramento- November 2015
Howi Spangler with Ballyhoo- November 2015
Andy Chaves- Katastro Ace of Spades, Nov.2015

Andy Chaves with Katastro & Howi Spangler with Ballyhoo- Sacramento Ace of Spades November 2015

Queensryche, Dec. 31, 2015

Queensryche, New Years Eve, 2015 (LOL)

Our friends, Andrew, Andy, Tanner, and Ryan with Katastro with our boys at our house, Jan 2016

Our friends Andrew with Katastro and Kim, January 2016 Ace of Spades, Sacramento

Elle King, Oakland, CA Feb 2016

Vance Joy, Oakland, CA Feb 2017

Me, My hand- at any given concert

Pot of Gold Music Festival, March 2016, Chandler, Arizona

Pot Of Gold Festival, March 2016, Chandler, Arizona 

Dirty Heads, Pot of  Gold, March 2016

Katastro Pot of Gold March 2016

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